WALKING BOOTS : Sturdy boots are necessary for rough and muddy terrain.
SOCKS : Woollen, thermal or mixture, own choice for comfort and good fit in your boots.
WATERPROOFS : Jacket and trousers
TROUSERS : Strong stretch material or cotton. Do not wear denim or jean-type
JUMPER : Fleece-type or sweatshirt
HATS & GLOVES : Fleece, woollen or thermal. A scarf is also helpful as is a light summer hat.
GAITERS : To keep out stones and water. They protect trousers and socks in open country.
RUCKSACK : Should be medium day-sack. Side pockets are advisable. Most rucksacks are not waterproof. A plastic liner is recommended.
FOOD & DRINK : Keep in a plastic container. Bring rolls or sandwiches, etc. Emergency rations of chocolate/muesli bars are useful. Plenty of fluids – water and a flask with a hot drink, if preferred.
TORCH : Carry a torch with a spare bulb and battery.
WHISTLE : A whistle should be carried at all times.
FIRST AID KIT : A personal first aid kit should be carried by each member.
SUNGLASSES : Sun cream and insect repellent are also advisable.